We have launched in over 100 countries, try a plan today
Advanced VPN technology, for everyone

Quantum Hardened Encryption

Lightning Fast, Fiercely Private

Surf safely and anonymously with the world's strongest cryptographic key encryption, powered by quantum computing.
Trusted by 1000's of users

The future of security is here

View all the benefits of QuantumVPN
BEst-in-Class encryption

Protect your digital footprint with advanced quantum technology

Governments and large organisations such as Google are now protecting their data and communications with post-quantum security. QuantumVPN® has made this technology accessible to you.
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from quantum_vpn import QuantumVPNService
vpn_service = QuantumVPNService("my_quantum_key")
vpn_service ("quantum_server.example.com")
encrypted_data = vpn_service.encrypt("sensitive_data")
decrypted_data = vpn_service.decrypt(encrypted_data)
a global network

Enjoy secure, fast and private access to the internet.

Discover the ultimate online privacy solution with our KPMG-audited, Zero-Logs VPN service, featuring a vast network of 6,500 servers in 80 countries to ensure both anonymity and speed.

Our cutting-edge quantum-computer derived cryptography provides the strongest encryption keys available, offering you a seamless and secure browsing experience like never before.
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Works with your devices.

One plan covers everything
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A plan for everyone

1 month

Billed every month. Additional taxes may apply depending on your jurisdiction.


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24 months

Billed at GBP 48.31 now, & annually after the first 25 months. Additional taxes may apply depending on your jurisdiction.


Per Month
Billed Annually
Gets started

12 months

Billed GBP 48.31 every 12 months.  Additional taxes may apply depending on your jurisdiction.


Per Month
Billed Annually
Gets started
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The growing need for protection

A hassle free online experience with QuantumVPN

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security for the modern world

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The most secure crytographic keys in the world